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Planning Board Meeting Minutes
June 13, 2006
Memorial Hall Town Hall

Members Present:        R. Bates, R. Ricker, O. Lies (arrived at 7:40 PM), C. Prager

Members Absent:   C. Stanovich, W. Ritter, D. Lindberg

Others Present:         Pamela Harding, Senior Planner, Debra Sciascia, Recording Secretary

7:30 PM the Planning Board meeting was called to order.

DISCUSSION OF ALDEN WOODS SUBDIVISION:  A letter was sent to C.B. Blair Builders to the attention of Clea Blair, Jr., requesting his attendance at this meeting, regarding a resolution to the outflow of detention pond #3 flooding abutters property on Wachusett St.  The letter also addresses a failed/collapsed retaining wall in the rear of 111 Blair Dr.  Repairs and clean-up of the wall had begun until the letter written by attorney Robert Hennigan, on behalf of Jack and Maria DeCillis’s required plans be submitted to the property owner for approval prior to the start of repairs.

Clea Blair Sr. stated that it is not a retaining wall, but rip rap at an angle, and a large amount of water resulting from heavy rains washed out the fill.  George Kiritsy, attorney, said the outlet structure was built to design, but because of the almost biblical rains, the structure was compromised.  The outlet structure for the detention basin has also been redesigned.  Blair was going to finish the last 100 feet of roadway, but because of the extension of water pipe, was asked to hold off.

Attorney Robert Hennigan, stated that they want an engineered, stamped plan submitted for approval.  D. Nason would also like a third party review of a full site plan with construction details.  P. Harding stated that a wall abutting storm water management area does fall within the subdivision rules and regulations, therefore is within the Planning Board jurisdiction.

C. Prager mentioned that there was no rip rap on the subdivision plans.  G. Kiritsy argued that this was not a Planning Board issue, but R. Bates stated that when a lot ends up in a detention pond, it is.  G. Kiritsy insisted that it is the building inspectors issue.  R. Ricker informed him that until the subdivision is accepted, it is a Planning Board issue.  There is also damage to abutter’s property.  The abutter to addressStreet111 Blair Dr. also has large cracks to his wall/rip rap.  D. Nason said there is no stabilization or load limits, not correct stone sizes, bad gradation, and nothing to relieve the water pressure.

Jianrong Hong presented a picture of the rip rap in their back yard.  It was suggested that Blair check out the entire area and rectify all the problems.  Blair stated that he will give the town a guarantee that the problems will be rectified.  C. Prager wants this issue to be on every Planning Board agenda until the problem is fixed.

P. Harding discussed the outflow of detention pond #3.  M. Sherman, 149 Wachusett St., was concerned with silt discharging into his back yard.  G. Kiritsy said this will be taken care of.

David Getman, DCR, addressed the Board regarding how they would like to see the basins work properly.  D. Nason stated that someone, who had a key, moved the blockage in the drainage structure.

C. Prager said the Board needs a list, and the Board will attach dates to it, and if the work is not completed within a time frame, the subdivision permits will be revocated.

David Getman, DCR, recommended a SWPPP inspection, which would be an individual retained by Blair to over-see and inspect the site.  SWPPP can give a 15 minute notification to inspect, and can inspect SWPPP as a municipal employee.  It was also recommended that Blair contact the EPA.  G. Kiritsy wants everything is writing, as far as exactly what the Board wants.

Brent Hiller, 141 Wachusett St, was concerned with the ongoing problem at the detention pond, and asked if the outlet can be blocked.  D. Nason will construct a letter to Blair that the entire site must be 100% stabilized in accordance with the DWPPP permit, and stabilized every night.  P. Harding said that DCR had these issued a year ago, and still no action performed by Blair.

It was agreed that a third party would be hired, at Blairs expense, to come in and check all the remaining problems and what it would take to rectify all the problems.  A list is needed before a time frame can be set for each punchlist item.  P. Harding simply stated that the on ground elevations for the detention pond outlet do not match the plan, therefore are not installed properly.  Alden Woods Subdivision will be on the next agenda.  The outlet to the detention pond will again be blocked.  R. Ricker reminded everyone that this is not a Pubic Hearing.  Rip rap engineered plans will be submitted and reviewed by DPW and DCR.  The DCR list should be addresses to the satisfaction of DCR, and the EPA will be notified to start SWIPP inspections by the next meeting, June 27th.

R. Ricker advised the Board that some type of safety fence needs to be installed.  Attorney Robert Hennigan wants a stamped approved plan before a fence is installed.  Blair agreed to install a fence, and block the drain.  Brent Hiller, 141 Wachusett St., went on record to request the drain be blocked off.

APPROVAL NOT REQUIRD – Bancroft Road:  Gail Hanny is adjusting lot lines to create three lots from two existing lots in an R-10 Zoning District.  The Engineer took the plans to add detailed notes regarding the reconfiguration of the lot lines.  C. Prager motioned to endorse the plan.  R. Ricker seconded.  Vote 4-0, all in favor.

MASTER PLAN UPDATE:  The Master Plan Committee met on June 6, 2006, voting to accept the name “Holden Tomorrow” Planning our Future Together.  A logo is being finalized, stakeholders have been identified and an outreach plan is being created.  Brochures and flyers are being designed and will be finalized for Holden Days.  Phil Mighdoll, has agreed to create a web site for Holden for a nominal fee of $400, and $24/hr for upkeep.  The budget is $1500.

Main St. – Walgreens:  C. Prager attended a downtown neighborhood meeting and informed the Board that there is no official information on Walgreens.  All individuals that were contacted have had no comment.  P. Harding said that Walgreens has signed a purchase and sale agreement for a 14,000 SF building, with a drive through pharmacy.

NEXT MEETINGS:  June 27, 2006 at 7:30 PM.

R. Ricker motioned to adjourn the Planning Board meeting.  C. Prager seconded.  All in favor.

Adjourned at 9:05 PM.

June 13, 2006 meeting minutes approved: September 26, 2006      

Debra A. Sciascia
Recording Secretary